Saturday, 5 September 2015

Elder - Lore

Artist: Elder
Album: Lore
Year: 2015
Rating: 94/100

Every now and then, the heavier side of music throws up something unique that simply defies description in terms of actual style, but leaving the listener no doubt in terms of quality. Fairhaven, Massachusetts trio Elder are one such band. "Lore" is their fourth full length effort, and boasts everything the discerning heavy music fan loves: killer musicianship, plenty of outstanding guitar riffs and drumming, all topped off with the excellent vocals of Nick DiSalvo.

No track on "Lore" clocks in at shorter than 9 minutes long, with only "Deadweight" at less than ten minutes in length, and that gives Elder the perfect opportunity to showcase precisely what they're made of. Opening track "Compendium" is a monolith that sounds like a heady blend of early Mastodon, Colour Haze and Motorpsycho. The structures of the songs might sound straightforward and formulaic (melodic verses, fantastic solos, extended bridge, built up tension, more riffs and solos before being brought back full circle to the vocal melodies), but in reality, it's anything but. The title track is 16 minutes of expansive magnificence that makes it impossible to properly describe just how truly outstanding Elder are. And just when you think you've heard them do everything they possibly can, closing number "Spirit At Aphelion" throws the listener a complete curveball by adding acoustic guitars and keyboards to the mix before the vocals kick in and normal service is resumed.

"Lore" is, to be completely blunt, a masterpiece. Every time the band gets the feeling that their ideas are either slightly boring or just don't seem to be going anywhere, they change things up to keep the listener constantly guessing at what it is they might possibly do next, and it works a treat every time. It's hard to pick a true stand out track because everything is just so cohesive and flows beautifully, and each song keeps on giving new ideas until the creative well has run dry. Do yourselves a favour and get hold of this album by any means you possibly can.

Track list

  1. Compendium
  2. Legend
  3. Lore 
  4. Deadweight
  5. Spirit At Aphelion

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